

Department of Microbiology

Seminars / Workshop / Lectures

1. 10/06/2021Plantation drive World Environment Day
2. 10/06/2021National conference on COVID-19 Associated mucormycosis
3. 10/06/2021One day virtual program on 22nd May 2021 to celebrate the “INTERNATIONAL BIODIVERSITY DAY ”
4. 10/06/2021One day virtual program on 12th March 2021 to celebrate India’s 75 Years of Independence – Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav
5. 10/06/2021Women’s Day Celebration
6. 10/06/2021Webinar to celebrate National Science Day
7. 20/05/2021National Webinar
8. 20/05/2021Webinar on the occasion of international day of biodiversity
9. 20/05/2021Webinar on the occasion of International Day of Biodiversity
10. 24/09/2020To survive and thrive under stress molecular lessons from cancer cells will be held on 25.08.2020at 10.00 AM
11. 24/09/2020National Webinar Conference on National Education Policy 2020 A step towards transforming India held on 26th August, 2020 at 11.30 AM
12. 08/09/2020Teachers Day celebration
13. 27/08/2020ICMR appoints Prof. Sanjay Chhibber as emeritus Scientist
14. 26/08/2020Weekend lecture series in Dept. of Microbiology, PU, Chandigarh
15. 26/08/2020Webinar 9 on 23.08.2020 in the Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
16. 26/08/2020Webinar 8 on 09.08.2020 in the Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
17. 26/08/2020Webinar 7 on 08.08.2020 in the Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
18. 26/08/2020Webinar 6 on 02.08.2020 in the Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
19. 26/08/2020Webinar 5 on 01.08.2020 in the Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
20. 24/07/2020Seminar & Journal club by the Department of Microbiology, P.U., Chd on 26.07.2020 at 11:00 AM
21. 24/07/2020Department of Microbiology P. U., Chandigarh organizing webinar in association with AMI-CU on 25th July, 2020 at 11:00 am
22. 17/07/2020Seminar & Journal club by the Department of Microbiology, P.U., Chd from 19.07.2020 every sunday 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
23. 17/07/2020Seminar & Journal club by the Department of Microbiology, P.U., Chd from 19.07.2020 every sunday.
24. 17/07/2020Department of Microbiology Panjab University, Chandigarh in association with AMI-CU from 18th July, 2020
25. 17/07/2020Department of Microbiology Panjab University, Chandigarh in association with AMI-CU from 18th July, 2020
26. 10/06/2020Department of Microbiology is Organizing a Webinar on 11th June,2020 at 11:00 A.M.
27. 29/05/2020Department of Microbiology is Organizing a Webinar on 3rd June,2020.
28. 05/03/2020Invited lecture held on 28.01.2020 at 3.30 pm in the Seminar Hall of Dept. of Microbiology, PU, Chanidgarh
29. 05/03/2020Invited lecture held on 06.12.2019 at 12.30 pm in the Seminar Hall of Dept. of Microbiology, PU, Chanidgarh
30. 24/02/2020Invited lecture held on 14.02.2020 organized by Dept. of Microbiology, PU, Chandigarh
31. 28/01/2020Invited lecture held on 28.01.2020 at 3.30 pm in the Seminar Hall of Dept. of Microbiology, PU, Chanidgarh
32. 09/01/2020Invited Lecture CREATIVITY IN SCIENCE & INNOVATION IN SCIENCE Jan. 9, 2020 (3:30 pm onwards)
33. 03/12/2019Seminar, Conferences and Workshop organized by Department of Microbiology for the period of 2018-19
34. 03/12/2019Alumni Meet Report
35. 18/11/2019An Outreach Programme in Government Model Senior Secondary School Sector 37, Chandigarh
37. 25/07/2019Symposium "Antimicrobial Drug Resistance:Complex Challenges and Future Alternative Strategies"on Friday July 26, 2019.
38. 01/03/2018symposium on MICROBIAL APPROACHES for SWASTHA BHARAT in the NEXT DECADE on March 5,2018 at 10:30 AM in Department of Microbiology
39. 19/04/2017Summer Internship cum hands on Training
40. 14/02/2017National Symposium on Microbial Approaches for Industrial Processes and Therapeutics

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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